Header Explanation Goes Here

Subtitle to header goes here

Instructions for using this form:

    1. Enter appropriate numbers in the boxes,
    2. enter your email address,
    3. click on submit, and
    4. wait for results to be returned to your email. (this will take about ??-hours ??-minues ??-seconds)
  1. Web location of results: app.html will be sent to your email address.
  2. If your email does not provide direct email links, copy and paste the web address: http://www.jwave.vt.edu/output/app_"unique date-time"/app.html from the email into your web browser Location: window and look at this file to see if the job ran correctly.
  3. If the job ran correctly you can now download files from your web browser to your computer for archiving (a 4.6Gbyte read/write optical disk is available for each student to use in the SMVC for archiving large simulation files).
  4. If you submit the form "as-is", a sample of results has been archived in the directory: http://www.jwave.vt.edu/output/ARCHIVE_Examples_SAVE/app_??????/
    Select app.html to see a summary of the results.

Below is a description of the ?????????????????????????????????

Figure 1. ???????????????