Generalized Plane Strain FEM Problem: NPIB

Submit batch job to compute stresses in a [0/90]s "bi-directional"
Glass/Epoxy Laminate "Stress Free-Edge" Problem"
(Comparison with Pipes & Pagano solution)
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Below is a description of the laminate geometry and finite element grid representation used to define the "Stress Free-Edge" problem. A detailed explanation of the "Stress Free-Edge" problem is given in Ref.[23],"Interlaminar Stresses in Composite Laminates Under Uniform Axial Extension", J. Composite Materials, Vol. 4, pp.538-548, (1970).

As a summary the figures below shows the laminate stacking sequence, FEM grid, and stress distributions for this specific problem. Example of results shown below demonstrate how "Free-Edge" stresses are signficantly influenced by anisotropy and thermal loads.

Notice how the sigma-z and sigma-hz stresses are influenced by thermal ("THERM") conditions supperposed with the mechanical ("MECH") load case. These three stress distributions are significantly influenced by the combination of residual stresses caused by the thermal contraction at low temperatures, Delta-T=-100F, such that the debonding will most likely occur at the 0/90 interface and not the laminate midplane. NOTE: the sigma-z midplane stress distribution along the y/B axis can be compared with the classic Pipes & Pagano finite-difference numerical solution in Ref.[16], see Figure 3. In this problem it is not necessary to calculate the out-of-plane strain from Linear Elastic Laminated Plate Analysis (LELPA), since the objective here is to focus just on the stresses near the "Free-Edge" and normalize the sigma-z stress vs. y/b with respect to the out-of-plane strain, see Figure 3. Therefore an out-of-plane strain of 0.0100 was chosen instead of calculating this strain by LELPA. However the LELPA solution ( module05b) to this problem can be compared to the stresses predicted far from the "Free-Edge".

Figure 1. Schematic and FEM grid of a [0/90]s laminate

Figure 2. Stresses in the 0 and 90 degree plies

Figure 3. Comparison with other numerical "Stress Free-Edge" solutions, Ref.[16]

Numbers provided in the NPIB (Network Programming Interface Builder) form below match this particular problem. Of course with the NPIB form a variety of other configurations are possible.

NOTE: We have provided a complete set of ELEMENT NUMBER GRIDS below so that the student can calculate stress distributions different from the three graphs shown above.

Region-A     / Region-B     / Region-C     / Region-D

You might want to reproduce the results shown in th figures above using the form in the frame provided below. You can compare these results with the Linear Elastic Laminated Plate Analysis (LELPA) program in "module05b" which assumes the stresses associated with the z-axis can be neglected.