Finite element analysis is a tool used in engineering to determine
the physical effects a given set of boundary conditions will have
on a part. Boundary conditions can be forces, temperatures, hydrostatic
pressures, centrifugal pressures, torques, and displacements.
Finite element analysis can be as basic as a simple
FORTRAN code or as complex as some
of today's high end Finite Element Analysis
Software Packages (MARC). The basic theory
of finite element analysis is the
same regardless of the type of analysis being done. The geometry
being modeled will always be divided up into smaller divisions
known as elements and the elements are connected together to form
the finite element mesh. Each element contains nodes which are
points were the elements are mathematically connected to one another.
The idea of dividing a domain up into subdomains is the basic
principle of how FEA works.
The basic steps which are involved in creating a finite element
model are now going to be outlined as we create a plain strain
model of an infinite plate, with an elliptical hole in the middle,
loaded in the simple tension. This model represents one of the
basic ideas of fracture mechanics, stress intensity. This problem
also has an analytical solution with which we can compare our
FEA results to determine the validity of our model.
The first step in creating a finite element model is to input
the geometry of the part you want to model. Often the geometry
being modeled will have some type of symmetry, which can be taken
advantage of to save time both generating the model and solving
the model. As you can see only ¼ of the geometry (the crosshatched
section of Image 2) will need to be modeled to
look at the stress intensity at the transverse side of the
elliptical hole. After the geometry has been created the next
step is to turn the surface of the plate into a mesh. For this
model we will use a four-sided element with a node at each corner.
A technique commonly used in FEA is mesh biasing. Mesh biasing
is using smaller elements in areas where the stress gradient is
the large or in areas where an extremely accurate prediction of
stress is necessary. In this model we biased the mesh towards
elliptical hole to produce an accurate value of the stress intensity.
Since we are only modeling part of the plate it is important
that add the correct boundary conditions to simulate the same
effects that would occur if the entire plate were being modeled.
The only things we will need to add are displacement restraints
on the bottom edge of the model perpendicular to the direction
of the loading. We want to induce a Farfield Stress of 1273 psi
in the plate so we will put a 100-LB tensile force on each node
across the top of the plate. This completes the boundary conditions
for the model.
Now we must define the material properties for the elements,
in this model we will use the physical properties of steel, modulus
of elasticity 30 *10^6 psi and poison ratio of 0.30. This completes
the finite element model, now we will submit the model to a solver,
ABAQUS was used for this model, which will return the geometry
with the stress levels indicated by different colors.
The results of an FEA from most software packages look fairly
similar to the output of the above model. The areas of highest
stress are indicated by red, descending to the lowest stress levels
in blue. The next task is to determine whether or not the results
our model produced are accurate. In this case we can obtain an
exact solution to our model using the analytical solution to the
stress concentration produced by an elliptical hole in an infinite
plate under simple tension, which given by the relationship:
This page was written by Jeff Schultz.
Revised 4-24-97