Sean Grealis
MSE2094 - Contract for Group Project
Topic: History of Analytical Methods in Fracture of Metals
Fracture Fundamentals:
- basic definition a fracture (pic in beginning of Ch.8, Callister, p.181)
- basics of types of fracture (brief mentions of brittle vs. ductile) -- (fig 8.1 Callister)
- why study of fracture is important to materials science
Fundamentals of Fracture Mechanics
- Griffith Theory -- discussion of, maybe mention of eqn 8.3 Callister
- G.R. Irwin - includes plastic deformation into consideration (eqn 8.4 Callister)
Other areas covered in the Analytical Area:
- mentions of the other areas that will be covered in this area and speak briefly about each:
Stress Concentration, Stress Intensity, Energy Methods, Statistical Methods, and Fatigue
- how each is an ANALYTICAL concept, rather than numerical, and give their importance to materials
- I will only need, at most 10 images, as this section will only be a brief overview, and most
of the images will be used by the other sections of the group. I will do my own HTML, if needed.
However, I will need for you (The HTML group) to add the specific links since I will not know them
myself. I also do not believe I will need any movies or clickable maps.
This is a very tentative contract. Things in this contract may be added or taken away at the
discretion of the group, the professor, or myself, depending on content and/or time constraints.
Sean M. Grealis