I will format the information provided by the other groups in HTML code,
within limits outlined below, for presentation of the project on the web.
I will also be heavily involved with the experimental group, serving as
the primary communication link between this group and the HTML group.
I will need
- I expect that the experimental, numerical, and analytic groups will need no
more than one page of text per topic as enumerated on the project outline.
- The evaluation and visualization groups are special cases which I
expect will contact the HTML group with their needs as they develop.
- Any group requiring text, images, or hyperlinks should submit to the HTML
group a layout sheet detailing the requested format, and all text,
images and links as soon as possible, but not after one week prior to final
exam week.
- Any "special" projects, such as clickable maps, pop up windows etc...
must be planned and requested from the HTML group well in advance, unless
the individual group would like to take the responsibility of coding on their
own (which is most certianly welcome).
I will provide
- I will provide the following if all the requirements above are met.
- The layout provided by each group will be translated to HTML code as
best as can be approximated.
- Dictionary, and topical hyperlinks will be provided as requested.
Communication is the most critical aspect of this project. I could think
of no way to include a communication requirement in the contract, but please
do not hesitate to contact me with comments, questions etc...