INTERESTS: Thermo-fluid and heat transfer solutions developing software and computer simulations. EDUCATION: M.S. Oil Exploration, Exploitation and Production. National Polytechnic School (Quito/Ecuador), April/2005. B.S. Mechanical Engineering. National Polytechnic School (Quito/Ecuador), December/1995. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: National Polytechnic School, Mechanical Engineering Faculty member since 1994. Jun/04-May/07 and Jun/97-Jun/99 Thermodynamics Laboratory Head. Jun/99-Jun/00 Heat Transfer and Energy Laboratories Head. Courses taught: Oil Installations, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Programming Computers. Some industry specific works (instruments calibration, fuels comparison). PUBLICATIONS: "Water-Oil Reservoirs Simulation" 7 books, M.S. Thesis, Quito, Ecuador, 2004. "3D Welcome to Ecuador" ISBN: 9978-41-330-8, 1000 3D brochures, Quito, Ecuador, Imprima, 2000. "Psychrometric Charts" ISBN: 9978-95-078-8, 3000 brochures, Quito, Ecuador, Imprima, 1996. "Cement Plant Roll Mill Wear Simulation" 7 books, B.S. Thesis, Quito, Ecuador, 1995. HONORS AND AWARDS: Fulbright Scholarship for a Master Studies at Virginia Tech Ago/07-May/09. Psychrometric Charts got the SECOND PLACE in the NATIONAL POLYTECHNIC SCHOOL PREMIUM contest, TEXT category, Dec/98. ORGANIZATIONS: Palermo Condominium President in Quito since May/03. CIMEPI (Pichincha Mechanical Engineers College). SIDE (Society of Ecuadorian Engineers, North Zone). Member #: 04-17-834 since Aug/96. ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers). Associate member #: 5138865. Mar/96-Jul/99.