Some memories and planes I flew over the years
I have always been interested in aviation, not only professionally as an
Aeronautical Engineer, but also as a pilot. Ever since I was a student
pilot in 1970, I've flown gliders or power aircraft whenever the time and
money allowed. I've been a licensed pilot since I first soloed in a
glider in the summer of 1972. I started flying power in 1983. When I
want to "FLY" I prefer soaring. If I need to get somewhere I choose
power. Both can be challenging but soaring demands much more of your
mind and rewards the soul.
My first sailplane, San Luis Obispo, California, 1973 - 1975.
Built, flight certifide, flight tested and flew for two years.
My first power aircraft, Cessna 172 "Straight Tail", Boulder, Colorado, 1983 - 1989.
Joined the Soaring Society of Boulder, 1982 - 1989.
My favorite sailplane, Schweitzer 2-32, 200 hrs, and my favorite
passenger, my mother.
A typical view in a thermal east of the Rockies
End of Information on Flying