Full Curriculum Vitae,
October 2014
Undergraduate Design Projects:
Comments and background information
2. R.D. Kriz, M. Yaman, M. Harting, and A.A. Ray, "
Visualization of Zeroth, Second, Fourth, Higher Order Tensors, and Invariance of Tensor Equations," 2003 Summer Research Project, Copyright 2005, University Visualization and Animation Group, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, 2005
3. R.D. Kriz, D. Farkas, A.A. Ray, and J.T. Kelso,
Visualization of Structure-Property Relationships:
Spanning the Length Scales from Nano to Macro", Invited Paper, International Conference on Computational
and Experimental Engineering Science, Corfu, Greece, 25-29 July, 2003.
4. R.D. Kriz, D. Farkas, A.A. Ray, J.T. Kelso, and R.E. Flanery, Jr., "
Visual Interpretation and Analysis of HPC Nanostructure Models using Shared Virtual Environments",
Conference Proceedings, High Performance Computing: Grand Challenges in Computer SImulations 2003,
The Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS), San Diego, California, pp. 127-135, 2003.
5. J. Kelso, L. Arsenault, S. Satterfield, R. Kriz, "DIVERSE: A framework for building extensible and reconfigurable device independent virtual environments", Proceedings IEEE Virtual Reality 2002 Conference", DIVERSE source code available at 2002
6 T. Morgan, R.D. Kriz, S. waward, F. Das-Neves, J. Kelso, "Extending the Use of Collaborative Virtual Environments for Instruction to K-12 Schools", In>>Sight, Vol. 1, pp.67-82, 2002
7. R.D. Kriz, R. Levensalor, S. Parikh." "Interactive Scientific Visual Data Analysis Using Java, PV-Wave, and IMSL," Conference Proceedings, Visualization Developement Environment Workshop, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, April 27-28, 2000. (Conference Presentation)
8. R. D. Kriz, R. Levensalor, S. Parikh," Combined Research and Curriculum Development of Web and Java Based Educational Modules with Immersive Virtual Environments," Kluwer Academic Publishers, Conference Proceedings of the " International Conference on Building University Electronic Educational Environments", University of California Irvine, August 4-6, 1999.
9. R. D. Kriz, E. H. Glaessgen, and J. D. Macrae, "Eigenvalue-Eigenvector Glyphs: Visualizing Zeroth, Second, Fourth and Higher Order Tensors in a Continuum", NCSA-NIST-IMM, Workshop on Modeling the Development of Residual Stresses During Thermoset Composites Curing, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, September 15-16, 1995, Institute for Mechanics and Materials, University of California, San Diego,
9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, California 92093-0404, Report No. 95-19, 1995.
10. Loki, J, Kriz, R. D., Mones-Hattal, B, Rogowitz, B and D.F. Fracchia,
" Is Visualization Struggling under the Myth of Obljectivity", IEEE Visualization' 95, Atlanta, Georgia, October 30 - November 3, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 412-415, 1995.
11. Kuppuswamy, A. and Kriz, R. D., "Development of an Interactive Multimedia Module
That Creates a Visual Model of Beam Theory", Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 95 World
Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Graz, Austria, June 17-21. Published by Association for the Advancedment of Computing in Education, pp. 384-389, 1995.
12. V.K. Tewary, R.D. Kriz, "Green's Function Method for Calculation of Stress fields in Composites Materials", Local Mechanics Concepts for Composite Material Systems, pp. 341-353, J.N. Reddy and K.L. Reifsnider eds., Int. Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) Symposia, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1992.
13. Prosser, W. H., Kriz, R. D., and D. W. Fitting, "Effect of Stress on
Energy flux Deviation of Ultrasonic Waves in Gr/Ep Composites", IEEE
1990 Ultrasonics Symposium, IEEE Press, pp. 961-964, 1990.
14. G.W. Hannaway, W.R. Bishop, and R.D. Kriz, "Shocking Deformations in Microseconds", SIGGRAPH89,
Movie With Sound:(
QuickTime /
MPEG ), 1989.
15. D.W. Fitting, R.D. Kriz, A.V. Clark, "Measuring In-Plane Elastic Moduli of Composites with Arrays of Phase-Insensitive Ultrasound Receivers", Proceedings of the Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, D.O. Thompson et al eds., Plenum Publishing Co., New York, pp. 1497-1504, 1989.
16. J. R. Berger and R.D. Kriz, "An Improved Optical Diffraction Strain Measurement System", Spring Conf. on Exper. Mech., Cambridge Massachusetts, pp. 572-578, 1989.
17. R.D. Kriz and P.R. Heyliger, "Finite Element Model of Stress Wave Topology in Unidirectional Graphite/Epoxy: Wave Velocities and Flux Deviation", Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, pp. 141-148, D.O. Thompson et al eds., 1989.
18. R.D. Kriz, L.L. Sparks, "Performance of Alumina/Epoxy Thermal Isolation Straps", Advances in Cryogenic Engineering Materials, Vol. 34, R.P. Reed, A.F. Clark eds., Plenum Press, New York, pp. 107-114, 1988.
19. R.A. Hopkins, D.A. Payne, R.D. Kriz, and E.E. Morris, "Next-Generation Tension Strap Supports for Spaceborne Dewars", AIAA 22nd Thermophysics Conference, Honolulu HI, 1987.
20. R.D. Kriz, "Monitoring Elastic Stiffness Degradation in Graphite/Epoxy Composites", Solid Mechanics Res. for Quantitative Non-Distructive Evaluation pp. 389-395, J.D. Achenbach et al eds., Martin Nijhoff Publisher, 1987.
21. R.D. Kriz, "Monitoring Elastic Stiffness Degradation in Graphite/Epoxy Composites", Solid Mechanics Research for Quantitative Non-Destructive Evaluation, J.D. Achenbach and Y. Rajapakse eds., pp. 389-395, 1987.
22. R.D. Kriz and W.J. Muster, "Influence of Damage on Mechanical Performance of Woven Laminates at Low Temperatures, Advances in Cryogenic Engineering Materials, R.P. Reed, A.F. Clark eds., Vol. 32, pp, 137-144, 1986.
23. R.D. Kriz and W.J. Muster, "Mechanical Dmage Effects in Woven Laminates at Low Temperature", Materials Studies for Magnetic Fusion Energy Applications at Low Temperature - VIII, pp.49-86, National Bureau of Standards Technical Report NBBSIR 85-3025, 1985.
24. R.D. Kriz, "Stiffness and Internal Stresses of Woven-Fabric Composites at Low Temperatures", Advances in Cryogenic Engineering Materials, A.F. Clark, R.P. Reed eds., Vol. 30, pp. 9-16, 1984.
2. Mecit Yaman, Ronald D. Kriz, Margit Harting, "Visualization of Stress Tensors Determined by Neutron Diffraction", J. Neutron Research, Vol. 15 (3), pp. 267-274, 2007.
3. J.T. Kelso, S.G. Satterfield, L. E. Arsenault, P.M. Ketchan, R.D. Kriz, "DIVERSE: A Framework for Building Extensible and Reconfigurable Device-Independent Virtual Environments and Distributed Asynchronous Simulations", Presence, Vol. 12, pp. 19-36, 2003.
4. Liu, W., Kriz, R.D., "Axial Shear Waves in Fiber-Reinforced Composites with Multiple Interfacial Layers Between Fiber Core and Matrix," Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 31, pp. 117-129, 1999.
5. Liu, W., Kriz, R.D., "Shear Waves in Fiber-Reinforced Composites with Interfacial
Cracks," International Journal of Solids and Structures, Vol. 35, No. 13, pp. 1425-1449,
6. Liu, W., Kriz, R.D., "Multiple Wave Scattering in Fiber-Reinforced Composites: Micromechanical
Viewpoint,"Wave Motion, Vol. 27, pp. 223-244, 1998.
7. Liu, W., Kriz, R.D. (Chair)., Henneke, E.G., Heller, R.A., Duke, J.C.,
Multiple Wave Scattering and Calculated Effective Stiffnesses and Wave Properties in Unidirectional Fiber-Reinforced Composities,"
Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. Engineering Science and Mechanics, Virginia
Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, May 13, 1997.
8. Vandenbossche, B., Kriz, R. D., and T. Oshima, "Stress Wave
Displacement Polarization's and Attenuation in Unidirectional
Composites: Theory and Experiment", Research in Nondestructive
Evaluation, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 101-123, 1996.
9. Vure, N. R. S., Kriz, R. D., "Effect of Cooling Rate and Stacking Sequence on the Fatique
Behavior of Notched Quasi-Isotropic AS4/PEEK Laminates", J. Composite Tech and Res,
Vol. 18, No.2, pp. 127-134, 1996.
10.Kriz, R. D., Glaessgen, E. H. and MacRae, J. D., "Visualizing Gradients in Composite Design and Fabrication", IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, Vol. 15, No. 6, pp. 10-13, 1995.
11. Raman, P. V. R., Kriz R.D (Chair)., and Abbott, A. L.,
"Parallel Implementation of the Filtered Back Projeciton for Tomographic Imaging",
Masters Thesis ETD", Dept. Electrical Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia, January, 1995.
12. Oshima, T., Kriz, R. D., and S. G. Nomachi, "Simulation and
Visualization of Stress Wave Propagation in Composite Laminates
with Interphase Layer", Fifth International Symposium on
Nondestructive Characterization of Materials, May 1991, Karuizawa,
Japan, Gordon Breach Scientific Publishers, Nondestructive Testing Evaluation, Vol. 8-9, pp. 391-403, 1992
13. Tewary, V. K. and Kriz R. D., "Generalized Plane Strain Analysis
of Bimaterial Composite a Free Surface Normal to the Interface",
Journal of Material Research, Vol. 13, pp. 2609-2622, 1991.
14. Kriz, R. D. and O. H. Griffin, "Visualization Practicum", Sun
World, pp. 36-44, August 1991.
15. Tewary, V.K. and R. D. Kriz, "Effect of a Free Surface on Stress
Distribution in a Bimaterial Composite", NIST Special Publication
802, National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Gov.
Printing Office, Washington D.C., March 1991.
16. W.P. Wnuk, R.D. Kriz, "CDM Model of Damage Accumulation in Laminated Composites", Int. J. of Fracture, Vol. 28, pp. 121-138, 1985.
17. R.D. Kriz, "Influence of Damage on the Mechanical Properties of Waven Composites at Low Temperatures", J. Compos. Technol. Res., Vol. 7(2), pp.35-58, 1985.
18. S.K. Datta, H.M. Ledbetter, R.D. Kriz, "Calculated Elastic Constants of Composites Containing Anisotropic Fibers", Int J. Solids and Structures, Vol. 20(5), pp. 429-438, 1984.
19. H.M. Ledbetter, S.K. Datta, R.D. Kriz, "Elastic Constants of an Anisotropic Nonhomogeneous Particle-Reinforced Composite", Acta Metall. Vol. 32, pp. 2225-31, 1984.
Ronald D. Kriz (retired)
Associate Professor Emeritus (1990-2014)
Dept. Engineering Science and Mechanics (ESM) (1932-2014):
merged with BEAM
Director of Laboratory for Scientific Visual Analysis
(LSVA) (1991-2014)
Director of University Visualization and Animation Group
(UVAG) (1997-2008)
also popularly known as The Virginia Tech CAVE
Short Bio and Current Research Interests: 2014
Dr. Ronald D. Kriz was
an Associate Professor in the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech when he
retired 2014. He recieved his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees from Virginia Tech in
1976 and 1979 (Engineering Science and Mechanics) and B.S. degree from
California Polytechnic State Univeristy in 1973 (Aeronautical Engineering).
He published over 75 technical papers in referred journals and conference
proceedings in the area of mechanics and material science. Prior to coming
to Viriginia Tech in 1990 he was active in materials research at the National
Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) for ten years. During that time,
he used supercomputers to simulate the physics of stress wave propagation in
anisotropic media. Several patents resulted from this research that used
visual data analysis tools to make these discoveries.
After ten years at NIST, Dr. Kriz returned to Virginia Tech and pursued an
academic career where he continued the development of visual data analysis
tools as they related to supercomputer simulations. He founded the
Laboratory for Scientific Visual Analysis
(LSVA) in 1991 as an academic
affiliate with National Center for Supercompter Applications (NCSA).
For the last 23 years he worked with faculty in developing and using
visual data analysis tools in the interpretation of their simulation
results. In 1996 he was awarded NSF ARI funds to build a CAVE(tm) facility
("VT-CAVE(tm)") in collaboration with
NCSA as part of Virginia Tech's Advanced Communications and Information
Technology Center (ACITC) which is now Torgersen Hall. He was also the
Director of the Virginia Tech University Visualization and Animation Group
(UVAG) in the ACITC
(1996) He was also PI of the Virginia Tech Scientific Modeling and
Visualization Classroom (SMVC), also an ACITC activity, which was an
educational grant co-sponsored by Sun Microsystems Inc and Visual Numerics
Inc. He was also the PI on the Combined Research and Curriculum
Development ( CRCD) NSF grant
that used the SMVC and developed extensive Web Java-based educational
modules. Here are two concept papers that describe future opportunities:
Ph.D. 1979 Virginia Tech, Engineering Science and Mechanics
MS 1976 Virginia Tech, Engineering Science and Mechanics
BS 1974 Cal Poly, Aeronautical Engineering
AA 1968 Los Angeles Trade Technical College, Mechanical Drafting
Academic / Professional Experience:
Joined Virginia Tech as an Associate Professor in 1990, tenured 1996, 1990-2014;
National Institute for Standards and Technology, Materials Researcher, 1980-1990;
National Research Council Post Doctoral Program, NIST, 1980-1982;
NASA Langley - Virginia Tech Composite Program, Doctoral Research, 1978-1979;
Rockwell International, Airframe designer lightweight structures, 1974-1976.
Aeronautical Engineering, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, 1973-1974.
Current Educational and Research Web sites:
Envisioning Gradients, Function Extraction, and Tensor Glyphs ©
Archived Presentations:
Conferences and Workshops
1. J.E. Devaney, S.G. Satterfield, J.G. Hagedorn, J.T. Kelso, A.P. Peskin, W.L. George, T.J. Griffin, H.K. Hung, R.D. Kriz, "Science at the Speed of Thought", pp. 1-24, Ambient Intelligence for Scientific Discovery, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3345, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2005.
Selected M.S. Theses, Ph.D. Dissertations, and Journal Publications:
1. A.K. Nair, R.D. Kriz, W.H. Prosser, "An Analytic and Numerical Prediction of Energy Flux Deviation", Wave Motion, Vol. 51 (7), pp. 1138-1148, 2014.
If your have any questions you can contact Ron Kriz
at: (retired but email, now google, honored)
Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics (no longer exists)
College of Engineering
Virginia Tech
Created 1995:
New server, November 2014: